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Chimpanzees have been listed on IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species for over three decades, and have been recognised as an endangered species since 1996 as their populations continue to decline.
The future of this endangered species is uncertain and urgency to protect their habitat is acute. While chimpanzees are important in their own right, they also serve as a key umbrella species for many other plants and animals that live in this dry forest.
By protecting chimpanzee habitat, we will protect functioning ecosystems and the diversity of natural resources that bring value to people.
Piel and Stewart participated in a 2011 workshop in Dar es Salaam to develop a Tanzanian Conservation Action Plan for chimpanzees, identifying key threats throughout chimpanzee range in Tanzania.
Tanzanian Conservation Action Plan
Key Threats
1. Conversion of chimpanzee habitat into food crops and nonfood crop agricultural land
2. Incompatible extraction of firewood and logging for timber
3. Incompatible development and expansion of settlements and infrastructure
4. Incompatible human-ignited fires
5. Incompatible charcoal production
6. Disease due to pathogens introduced by humans and human activities
Anti-Poaching at GMERC
We have hosted Government-led patrols in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute since 2009
We conduct periphery area surveys to provide intelligence on increases in illegal activity
Our efforts represent a joint GMERC-Government interest in protecting wildlife and its habitat
At GMERC, we organise, facilitate and sponsor these vital patrols to combat illegal activity such as herding and poaching. Guided by our field assistants, Mpanda government rangers have apprehended multiple teams of herders and poachers active along the periphery of the Issa Valley. Reducing illegal activity is a major factor in ensuring the future of the Greater Mahale Ecosystem's flora and fauna.