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Chimpanzee and Chimpanzee Habitat Surveys across the GME

View from Mahale Mountains National Park (Credit: A. Chitayat/GMERC).jpg

GMERC has been leading survey work to prioritise chimpanzee habitat and extra-park populations since 2011. Our data have informed conservation planners and government policies and contributed to a 10 year conservation action plan, which can be found here.


In 2023, we received support from the Arcus Foundation and Frankfurt Zoological Society to continue these survey efforts, building on findings that described monkey and chimpanzee abundance, habitat connectivity, and gene flow (see Publications for more). Supplementary support from Frankfurt Zoological Society has allowed us to continue these efforts into 2025.

**********GME survey, 2024-2025 **********

Survey Leader

Masunzu Jidayi

Masunzu Jidayi.jpg

Coming soon

Site 1: Nkondwe (Nov 2024)

As a pilot survey site, the team went east ~50km from Issa towards Nkondwe Ridge and assessed an area that hosts potentially critical chimpanzee habitat between northern and southern sub-populations. The team found evidence of chimpanzees, but also human disturbance including logging and herding. Below, photos (by M. Jidayi) capture (clockwise) packing up to return to Issa, chimpanzee nest, evidence of logging,  and finally, deforestation for agricultural expansion

Team Nkondwe
Nkondwe chimpanzee nest
Nkonwe logging

Site 2: Wansisi Hills, Nov-Dec 2024 (coming soon!)

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